
Showing posts from August, 2016


Flower girl is a simple everyday pretty shy girl. She has dreams (everybody has dreams) she has wild imaginations, she believes in happily ever after, not a bad thing you know. She believes in God, she loves people, she's been through a lot as a young girl. She opened her blog to air her mind, her experiences, her thoughts, her wild imagination, and a lot of stuffs an everyday simple pretty girl wants to have and feel, all that stuff you know. It might get nasty (sorry to say) sometimes spiritual,sometimes funny and impossible, but it will never be boring. I have opened about three blogs but this is the final one. I enjoy airing my imagination and feelings but I usually don't have an audience but having a blog I figured will fix that, so here I am with my very own blog. I have always wanted a down friend that I can talk to, I found one but it was for a while before my world came crumbling down. It still hurts to know he is no longer there, but what can I do? So guys get ready t