
Showing posts from October, 2016


The 7 must have jeans is a post about creating your circle/clique. You really need this set of friends if not you are living a boring life to my opinion. First on the list is #THE BOOT-CUT JEANS These type of friends are the generous and nice friends. They love to make people happy. Sometimes they take it too far, they are sweet and all loving. Even if you put em on vex mode and you ask for help they quickly help, they have a big heart and are mostly extroverts. Their niceness sometimes becomes pride and you know the drill aside that they are great friends. They are the first must have jean. #THREE QUATER JEANS The calm, collected and mature(in some areas). I love these set very well. They can be trusted, they are go getters and have limits and rules but can be broken for a friend worth it. They are calculated and they don't beg for friendship. They go about their business not caring about a thing but as soon as you become a friend you become their business. They are


I have grown through out the years (obviously i was suppose to), i made some mistakes, i went from stupid (naive) to older, still walking/working to wise mature me. There are a lot of things i'm still trying to understand as a young adult. I just got exposed to life and it's something. Trying to balance all i have learnt and understand in my new life. The funny thing is that as a newbee i'm getting it all wrong in some aspect sometimes i look at myself and say why? What are you doing? sometimes i make mistakes, i regret some mistakes and some i don't instead i thank God for it.There are so many things i'm beginning to realize and some of it i'm taking serious. Also there were so many things i counted or saw irrelevant but all of a sudden are relevant. I'm beginning to do some things that i don't do and i'm like "Hey, this is not me" but i do it. Mistakes they say are good, as you grow older. You learn from it, but what if it happens a