
Showing posts from January, 2017


Hey guys, how are you? Lol how have you been? I know I know it's been what! a decade since my post, i'm just a lazy lifestyle blogger, but you can't blame me, hmmm school work, personal life and family, i'm still trying to balance the whole blogging, school thing, I read few books online about it, I even bought a book on how to build your blog in 30 days, so my blog is going to be LIT this year, hmm before I forget HAPPY NEW YEAR, I know it's a little late. This year like I said my blog will be LIT, trust me, as a lifestyle blogger, I have looked into it and lifestyle covers a lot, like fashion, food, culture, news, gossip, relationship what have you, so I have decided to dab into all and also not all. I love fashion, everyone has a unique sense of fashion, so I will be sharing some of my fashion tips, also Food, o lordie I love food, I am a foodie, but am not fat, I am a size 6, maybe 4 can't really tell, anyway Food, cooking is a passion and sharing some t