Hi guys! I am seriously working on my consistency. i sent a BC on whatsapp about my blog and my little cousin was like "you don't have much post now" i was like OK, if you don't work on your consistency you gon loose your audience, not good for me now. So far i have gotten great reviwes. I am really happy about it.
Today's post will be about chiffon and silk. we all know chiffon and silk, right? I am talking about chiffon with designs on em and the smooth, soft silk. I love silk it has a rich royalty feeling.
CHIFFON! CHIFFON!! CHIFFON!!! comparing people's characters to fashion is so easy and plain to me. There are some people that are "love me at first sight". They are party animals, they are great people, filled with activity. They have their dark side, more of it than the good side (my opinion) They act like they care just for a moment or period of time, after a while they stop. They come and go, when you see a chiffon friend you like (not everybody) after getting to know em OK they might 
 work out for you because you are a chiffon or they won't.
 People i categorize under chiffon are friends with short sightedness. They pretend to be nice friends, they act like they are smooth and beautiful as they look, but deep down they are not, they care less about the friendship, they don't open up but expect you to spill. They are innocent basically they pretend even lie if they have to. You might trust em with all and when distance or one circumstance come they are gone the way they came. They are smooth talkers, you will learn one or two things from them though, they are a must come across set of friends, trust me and if you don't meet them, you won't know your inner polka.

 Like i said silk gives rich royalty feeling. I love silk. Silk is smooth, love at first sight in some cases. they are funny believe me, great and amazing but you won't know until you come closer. They don't scream or shout am fun, they just go about their business. If you like em and they too and you become friends you won't regret it. They come in handy trust me. They make your personality bloom, like boost of confidence. They can be annoying sometimes, but they don't fade. I have met some silks too. i have always thought i was chiffon but the plain one LOL! They watch out for themselves and their friends. They don't keep friends for friendship sake but for the good benefits they get from each other. Ambitious, hard working and fun to be with, no dull moments around em too.
Before you make someone your friend, know that person very well, same polka dot or complimentary? Don't follow the crowd, or you be like i love that girl or guy they are so cool, nah don't do that, what if the person is not into you or will act like they like you just to use you? 

Please honey don't hurt yourself. if you are a chiffon ball like one and please be nice don't pretend. Keep it real, plain and simple, you have goals to achieve and if you are silk, keep balling and keep doing what you are doing, keep making people have that rich royalty feeling. As for me, i think i am a mixture of both. Knowing my polka dots.
                                                                    Stay fly peaches!!!!!


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