Getting older can be crazy with all the feelings that comes with it, hitting adulthood can be amazing, exciting and beautiful also, it can be the worst feeling ever, you begin to miss your teenage self and all that, sometimes you feel alone doing things you've never done. That feeling of maturity all of sudden you have responsibilities, as you get older you begin to feel like i have to take charge and be the man. Having this feeling is good and new, exciting also you begin to feel scared left out how do i go about it without feeling insecure, you need that confidence boost, selecting you friends becomes a serious task because this will define your life it's like a life or doom kinda thing. Now your self discipline and all that home training have a role to play. The temptations that comes with it, the depression especially when you are more of an introvert and less of an extrovert it can be annoying. Mistake of showing more love and getting less in return, friends and family getting on your nerves, not understanding your new personality. Okay now all i do is be myself and act normal cut off all forms of communication though gradually and things fall in place. Don't force anything don't even please anyone ass kissing is not on the list  Don't try to belong just do you with confidence don't care a little, don't care about what they will say, just like SZA said speak up for yourself if you don't speak they will think you stupid. Change your playlist change your hairstyle change your clothes change everything about you. Go on a self discovery mood. You can have fun alone explore the world through music the internet. I do that a lot i even go as far as making new friends with people way older than i am and also younger too just to see life through them and also get away from that negative vibe, family pressure, friends negativity also from my inner self. Don't forget the ultimate person God, tell him everything, your plans, all your worries, he is an amazing listener. You don't need a million dollars to start, start with the little you have . Do you, it pays to be yourself. Now i feel i am better than anyone. I expect less from people and more from me.

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