I was reading Dr Bukola's latest update, she talked about pop of color to fashion she said, "pop of color is that little hint of something that adds life to your look", so I stole her topic *smiles*
      After  browsing  and checking the meaning of pop of color and also pictures I learnt a lot. A pop of color according to my Google search says "a little bit of a flash, imagine a bubble that stays, pops and then goes but leaves something behind". Perfect explanation. So my post goes like this.......
        She went through her darkest hour these past few months and it was not easy for her.She tried her best to look OK, feel OK, pretend she's doing great and popping but deep down it was not like that, it was dark, cold and lonely. She needed a pop of color,something like a wild pop and then go but leaves something behind, she needed that hint of something that gives her a good reason to be happy. She gave up on herself. She felt she was not strong. She had no friend to talk to, her best friend bailed out on her when she needed her the most. It was really hard for her then. She went to church (she is a Christian) she spoke to a counsellor and he said she was deeply depressed and she needed to believe in herself and trust God. She trusted God but at that point she didn't, she saw herself as a failure.
         After opening up to the counsellor, he prayed with her and told her to take her spiritual life serious. Sometimes I feel most of our youthful problems are our fault. We take God for granted and he throws shades at us to remind us he is the Lord of Lords. She decided to go for a summer camp. Her life took a new turn, it turned grey, although she needed that pop of color but she was grateful. She enjoyed the camp like she had no worries in the world. After the camp, it was time for her to start making good use of her time and self. She started reading, browsing and connecting with friends and the outside world
            Still on grey, her outside world brought this purple Lush on her grey suited life. It was looking great. Her social world gave that purple lush power, she got back in line, came back to life, started making plans for the future and now. She made a list of what she wanted to do, her plans for school, life in school and after school. She felt a little stronger. Her family was always supporting her. She loved her family. After a while of connecting with friends and not enjoying it that much, she made a connection with an old friend. She brought the perfect pop of color. Shr was always there she never noticed her. Every moment was amazing, she had few things in common with her, they were different. She began to feel like herself again but this time like a Queen.
           There are some people we ignore all our life thinking we will never need them or we just ignore them unknowingly. We go through dark times and we say I have no one to talk to or cry to, but they are there and we don't notice. Some people notice them after a while like my story, some do not or they just snub them because they feel they have nothing to offer you. These people we ignore might be our pop of color in the right amount.
       Some people have trust issues(I have strong trust issues) but we are all humans, nobody is perfect and that is why we need that good friend or friends that will bring that pop of color. We also have God. He created us, he loves us. He is the ultimate pop of color, without him our lives would be black or bat black, cold and lonely.
                My advice is do not ignore old friends because you don't need them. Do not keep things to yourself, don't hold back, speak up and Lastly hold on to God.
              Stay pretty and run wild with your imagination.

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