

Getting older can be crazy with all the feelings that comes with it, hitting adulthood can be amazing, exciting and beautiful also, it can be the worst feeling ever, you begin to miss your teenage self and all that, sometimes you feel alone doing things you've never done. That feeling of maturity all of sudden you have responsibilities, as you get older you begin to feel like i have to take charge and be the man. Having this feeling is good and new, exciting also you begin to feel scared left out how do i go about it without feeling insecure, you need that confidence boost, selecting you friends becomes a serious task because this will define your life it's like a life or doom kinda thing. Now your self discipline and all that home training have a role to play. The temptations that comes with it, the depression especially when you are more of an introvert and less of an extrovert it can be annoying. Mistake of showing more love and getting less in return, friends and family


Hello owls! Today I want to talk about God and songs we listen to. The world is changing and things are happening so fast. Things that matter before don't matter now, things that were seen as bad are now good, so how do we balance everything going on around us and our spiritual life? Personally it's difficult. I want to know the latest trend, I want to stay trendy, enjoy my youthful days like what I see on my instagram and Twitter(really Debs?) and also love God and keep his commandments. I watched a video on youtube (chelsey Mariaa, you guys really need to watch her videos she is amazing)she talked about loving God and trap music (bad combo) superior impossible. She made reference to James chapter 4 verse 4(James 4:4) "SO YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT FAITHFUL TO GOD! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT LOVING THE WORLD IS THE SAME AS HATING GOD. SO IF A PERSON WANTS TO BE A PART OF THE WORLD, THEN HE MAKES HIMSELF GOD'S ENEMY" She said you can't love God and trap music. They h


She always had stories to tell. She loved to laugh, everyday was a beautiful day at the beach. She loved it when it rains, the smell of dried sand made her smile. She believed in fairy tales, happily ever afters. She loved him forever and a day more. She loved his hair, his fingers, when they touch her she melts, she loved his voice, oh she loved him forever and a day more. She was the happiest satisfied woman on planet earth. Everyday was a beautiful, beautiful sunny day at the beach. Then it rained, she hated the rain so much, she wanted to die, melt away with the clouds, she hated the wetness, she wished she could be washed away like the sand by the sea shore, she was mortified. Why? She cried my lollipop ain't sweet. She hated him, everything about him made her angry. He had to leave was his excuse, the distance,  the pain he couldn't bare to put her through that pain anymore. She didn't mind but he insisted and she hated herself. He was in love with her, go girl she


 So i lost interest in blogging at a point. Why? my system was stolen, and i couldn't blog with my phone, at a time i felt frustrated, holding back for a while from what i love to do at my leisure.OH! i love blogging, i miss blogging too. Anyway hope you like what i have been cooking LOL . Today i want to talk about doing something you've always wanted to do but feel or think otherwise. Honey for how long are you going to keep holding back? Time waits for no man so gidi up boo, and stop making excuses or thinking oh what will people say honey, people will always talk no matter what so baby this is 2017 don't listen to people, if you want to be petty, it's okay if you want to be savage make sure you ruthless, whatever it is baby have won't hurt you as long as you are happy and hold no prisoner, life is too short for all that laziness and procastination. ECCLESIASTES 11:9 says "YOU WHO ARE YOUNG, BE HAPPY WHILE YOU ARE YOUNG, AND LET YOUR HEART GIVE YO


Hey guys, how are you? Lol how have you been? I know I know it's been what! a decade since my post, i'm just a lazy lifestyle blogger, but you can't blame me, hmmm school work, personal life and family, i'm still trying to balance the whole blogging, school thing, I read few books online about it, I even bought a book on how to build your blog in 30 days, so my blog is going to be LIT this year, hmm before I forget HAPPY NEW YEAR, I know it's a little late. This year like I said my blog will be LIT, trust me, as a lifestyle blogger, I have looked into it and lifestyle covers a lot, like fashion, food, culture, news, gossip, relationship what have you, so I have decided to dab into all and also not all. I love fashion, everyone has a unique sense of fashion, so I will be sharing some of my fashion tips, also Food, o lordie I love food, I am a foodie, but am not fat, I am a size 6, maybe 4 can't really tell, anyway Food, cooking is a passion and sharing some t


The 7 must have jeans is a post about creating your circle/clique. You really need this set of friends if not you are living a boring life to my opinion. First on the list is #THE BOOT-CUT JEANS These type of friends are the generous and nice friends. They love to make people happy. Sometimes they take it too far, they are sweet and all loving. Even if you put em on vex mode and you ask for help they quickly help, they have a big heart and are mostly extroverts. Their niceness sometimes becomes pride and you know the drill aside that they are great friends. They are the first must have jean. #THREE QUATER JEANS The calm, collected and mature(in some areas). I love these set very well. They can be trusted, they are go getters and have limits and rules but can be broken for a friend worth it. They are calculated and they don't beg for friendship. They go about their business not caring about a thing but as soon as you become a friend you become their business. They are


I have grown through out the years (obviously i was suppose to), i made some mistakes, i went from stupid (naive) to older, still walking/working to wise mature me. There are a lot of things i'm still trying to understand as a young adult. I just got exposed to life and it's something. Trying to balance all i have learnt and understand in my new life. The funny thing is that as a newbee i'm getting it all wrong in some aspect sometimes i look at myself and say why? What are you doing? sometimes i make mistakes, i regret some mistakes and some i don't instead i thank God for it.There are so many things i'm beginning to realize and some of it i'm taking serious. Also there were so many things i counted or saw irrelevant but all of a sudden are relevant. I'm beginning to do some things that i don't do and i'm like "Hey, this is not me" but i do it. Mistakes they say are good, as you grow older. You learn from it, but what if it happens a